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Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Angel Boy

I've been thinking these last few weeks about my first born. He always comes to mind this time of year. I get busy with my life and go for months without remembering that part of my life, but when January and February roll around, I can't help it. It was 4 years ago this month that my husband and I weathered the hardest time in our lives. We met our little guy on a cold February day. I'm finally ready for the world to meet him.

Over the next few days/weeks I'm going to tell our story from the beginning. I hope it will help even one person out there to know that they are not alone. In the middle of it all, I'm going to continue to find gratitude in my daily life. In fact my little boy will help me with that task. I will update about the goings on of my busy toddler too. After all, I've got a lot to be thankful for!

Four years ago this month my husband and I were excited about the arrival of a baby. We had a long battle with infertility. After 2 1/2 years of trying to grow our family, we got the exciting news that we were pregnant! We did everything we were supposed to. I took prenatal vitamins. I read books. I ate right. I rested when I was tired. I thought I was the luckiest person in the world because I was never sick.

We waited a full 12 weeks to tell everyone. We figured we were out of the woods by then. My belly grew. We planned. We didn't find it at all strange at our 12 week appointment when they determined that the baby was measuring small. They didn't seem too concerned. I'm not sure why this didn't cause us some alarm. We knew the exact day we had conceived because it had been done in a cold clinic room. Why would the baby's dates be off? I guess we'd just gotten used to the idea of a chubby baby at that point. You just start to get attached to that vision.

It wasn't until we hit our 20 week ultrasound that everything went wrong with our vision. We went in to find out the gender of our new addition that January day. We found out the gender. We also found something else we never expected.

I will share more of our story soon. Check back.

For now I need to fold laundry and settle in for a few minutes of mindless television. Goodnight!


  1. I didn't realize your little boy's name was Noah. Thanks for sharing your story . . . I know that this will definitely touch people's hearts - like mine. :)

  2. It feels good to share it publicly because I think maybe there's someone out there that could benefit. Thanks for reading, Marlene!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your story Erica. I am sure it isn't the easiest thing to do.

    - Crystal
