I love the way the color can be turned up to make it more vivid. I love how the whites are blinding. I've been locked in a room editing photos tonight as I have been every night this week. I'm fascinated with this program (Lightroom) and its ability to adjust everything so it all looks just like it does in my head.
This little guy is my new nephew.

Isn't he adorable? I'm biased of course, but I'm quite proud. And envious. You know, but I won't go there. Nope. I took this photo just last weekend. Not half bad, right?
I actually have no idea what I'm doing to tell you the truth. I barely understand my camera, and I only use a handful of the features on the software, but luckily I can come up with something I like once in awhile. I guess that's all that matters right? I'm making these photos right for my eyes and my memories. I've really been enjoying it.
Enough about my love affair with Adobe Lightroom. I will pause from my event planning and constant photo editing to give a quick update of random happenings.
I absolutely love the age my daughter is at right now. She is trying at times, but she's also hilarious, spontaneous, witty, smart, observant, and chatty. I'm enjoying every minute of it. She has taken to naming everything, and she comes up with the funniest names. The turtles we saw at the pet store were "Joggy" and "Gingie." I'm not sure where she comes up with these things! She thinks that I know everyone. We can't drive past a biker on the road or walk past a group of people in a store without her asking who the people are or what their names are. She is becoming an expert at pretending. She has voices for her animals and dolls. She plays out little scenarios. She imagines that her toys are all kinds of different things. It's fun to watch, and it's fun to be a part of. Due to her recent affinity for Diego, we now play an animal rescue game quite often where we use a "field journal" (toy phone) to help us rescue her stuffed toys. She rescues them again and again. I just wish I could freeze her here. She's a joy.
I've been feeling restless lately. It's probably because I can't seem to move my life in the directions I want. I spend 8 hours a day working. I need 8 hours to pursue my passions! I'm left with no time. I like literature, music, environmental causes, promoting vegetarianism, photography... I have a real passion for all of these things, but no time to indulge. Except when I should be sleeping. Like right now for example. I just wish I could use my work hours doing what I love. Turns out no one at my job really wants to hear about how bad I think the meat industry is. No one is interested in where their food comes from. They certainly don't want to know about digital compression and how it's killing music, but that's what I want to talk about all day. Is that normal? Do most people reserve their passions for the weekend and feel satisfied? That doesn't feel like enough for me. I'm sure I'll find a remedy, but I don't have it yet.
Until then I'm going to eat cookies and edit photos instead of sleeping. That's how I'm getting by for now.
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